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Planning Board Minutes, 10/10/2006
Town of Lenox
Planning Board
Land Use Meeting Room
October 10, 2006

Members present:  Chair Kim Flynn, Joe Kellogg, Steve Sample, Pam Mackie, Kate McNulty-Vaughan
Also in attendance was Joellyn Warren, Town Planner

There were no applications scheduled for tonight’s meeting.
Board Business:
·       Minutes-There were no minutes to approve
·       Zoning Board of Appeals Petitions:

The Board determined that neither application needs to come before the Planning Board.

·       Correspondence-The Board reviewed all mail received.  This included Public Notices and Decisions from abutting communities as well as Decisions rendered by the Lenox ZBA
·       Change October 24, 2006 Planning Board meeting time to 6:00 p.m. for Emil George so that interested PB members can attend a training session at BRPC schedule on the same date.
·       Community Preservation Act- Selectman Roscoe Sandlin has asked the Land Use Boards to take a stand on the CPA.  After considerable discussion, Joe Kellogg made a motion that the PB go on record to support the CPA with the proviso that the funds be used to support meeting the goals and objectives of our Comprehensive Master Plan, Open Space Plan and  Community Development Plan.  Kate McNulty Vaughan seconded the motion.  The board approved 5-0.
·       Neighborhood Districts.  The Planning Board desires to have neighborhood meetings to discuss with the residents their particular zoning issues.  A plan dated 1998 which divided the Town of Lenox into different districts was reviewed.  The Board studied the plan and created a draft with new lines drawn and new districts created.  Joellyn Warren will review and return to the Board with suggestions for finalizing the districts.  There are seven districts; meetings will be scheduled over the next several months with completion in March of 2007.  The Board will determine meeting places that will preferably be in the respective neighborhoods.  

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola